Appreciation goes a long way..

This is a letter that I've received from a recent makeover client. Thank you so much Ananja. It really makes my heart sing to be able to give a little bit of myself. "So here I was... Recently divorced. Working mother of two beautiful girls. But penniless (slightly puffy) and pale. Recovering from a few weeks (... months.... ok years!) of emotional mouth-stuffing and (in my defence) bearing two children, my wardrobe was not only really sad, but also highly frustrating. And to be honest, as far as I was concerned, unsalvageable. A complete lost case! But little did I know that a clever and very capable young woman was nearing my doorstep. I met Tanya at a course and by then I was quite familiar with her work through friends and colleges. Having seen the changes in a couple of other beautiful ladies, meeting her was wonderfully hopeful. I soon organised a mini-workshop, in the comfort of my own home, and I spent a wonderful day with my friends laughing, learning and discovering my own identity again. She uncovered many valuable truths and ideas that made a world's difference in my wardrobe and the way I continue to discover my likes and dislikes. Her ideas are fresh, trendy, stylish and individualised. Tanya has been the perfect , life-giving injection in just the right dosage and I will most definitely make use of the other fantastic services she provides. Ananja(Jhb)"


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